Please Ask... if you have any problems or need advice consult our FAQ section or contact our Studio. We have an extensive library of fonts and a team of graphic artists on hand to help.
As a general rule your corporate details are transferred to the product by screen-process printing or tampo printing and these processes are ideally suited to producing line colours. This caters for the vast majority of orders as we can obtain very accurate colour matches in close registration. Unfortunately, the processes cannot meet the standards of our quality control department if used for printing full colour (Four colour process) and for this reason we do not undertake such work. However, new printing processes are constantly emerging and our policy on this is always under review. You are advised to ask if you have a requirement for this type of printing.
Artwork Specifications
All artwork must be sent in digital format unless colour separated positive film can be supplied with emulsion side upwards (correct reading).
Line colours only (no halftones).
Acceptable Digital Format
Apple Macintosh or PC format
Acceptable Media Types
Email Compact Disc (CD) Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) 3.5" Floppy Disc Zip Disc (PC format)
Preferred File Format
Created in Adobe Illustrator (up to version CS3 supported) and saved in EPS or AI format with all fonts converted to outlines.
All imported files must be embedded and not linked.
EPS Files created in Adobe Illustrator. This is the most universally acceptable file format for line printing. For multi-colour work, please ensure that each colour is on its own layer, as this will enable us to colour separate your artwork and make modifications if required. Additionally, each layer must be clearly labelled with its colour reference and all fonts must be converted to outlines before saving. Unfortunately, we cannot accept tints.
Help with Fonts
Help with Embedding
Other File Formats
Digital files can be created in a variety of formats but only a small number of these are capable of producing acceptable quality for Screen or Tampo printing.
TIFF Files are acceptable for single colour work only. The image must be in black & white and not colour. The files should be sufficiently large to ensure that sharp edge definition can be printed. You should be able to check this by printing your image on a laser printer at 200%.
JPEG Files are acceptable for single colour work only. The image must be in black & white and not colour. Files should be sufficiently large to ensure that sharp edge definition can be printed. You should be able to check this by printing your image on a laser printer at 200%. Please be careful when saving JPEG files as they are designed to compress on copying. This has an adverse affect on quality.
Please remember to check all digital files for Viruses before sending them and clearly mark any disks with your company name and e-mail address.. if you have any problems or need advice consult our FAQ section or contact our Studio. We have an extensive library of fonts and a team of graphic artists on hand to help.